Preparitory sketches
Realised there needs to be a lot of thought and preparation to work out the layering sequence to the texile paintings….back to the drawing board.
Final piece
A new finished piece using only black and white with all the greys inbetween..

I am finding working with just black and white a real challenge. Finding a tonal balance with just one colour..or lack of.. feels daunting. It is a good way to learn a one colour tonal balance..I wonder what it would be like to do the same drawing/painting in red!

Happy National dog day…
…albeit a bit late. Here is a wonderful picture of our dog Eddie who features in the children’s animation ‘Shane the Chef’ on channel 5’s ‘Milkshake’ at 7.20 week day mornings. We love this little guy and so do many more..

Black and White ‘Motherhood’
Early drawings…getting to grips with the lack of colour…just.

Amazing review…
I received this amazing review today…makes a world of difference: ‘
I was particularly moved by your family related portraits ( your mother ( wow!), your daughter and grandson) and found myself so drawn in by your searingly revealing family stories. Your storytelling really made the paintings resonate. Adding a whole layer of connection. And so poignant. I realised how rare such generous insights from the artist are….. thank you for sharing them with us. It certainly made a huge impression.’

A visitor to the studio
Delicate little Priscilla has come to stay for a week. She is 16yrs old and teeny tiny. This is her chosen place to sleep and she loves drinking from the water jar I have for my paint brushes.
VIP at the exhibition
VIP visitors to the exhibition today. My granddaughter always answers the question..”what do you want to be when you grow up ” with “an artist”. You can see her pondering the pictures while her brother dances around the space holding tight to his toy cars xx
Reflections on ice
A small experiment, 6″ x 6″ with shadows falling onto the ice, changing from a flat perspective and getting the reflection to show the perspective detail. Keeping colour choices minimal and only the delicate touch of the white line as highlights across the plain to give the impression of frozen water.
Preparation for ‘Motherhood’ black and white.
Highlighting the extreme pressures to follow birth plans and breastfeed their babies, I have chosen a portrait of a young family after dealing with postnatal depression. As a result, the mother is now doing a degree in Psychology specialising in postnatal depression and birth trauma.
The choice of black and white comes with new challenges. Having concentrated on colours that were not always there when painting portraits of faded photos I am finding the transition back a little awkward. I need to leave the grey tones to do their work.