Winter woods

Another small postcard sized textlie landscape. Using the pure colours of the yarns and linear perspective to create a sense of light and depth.


The colours of Autmn

Need to experiment with a twist to produce the shadow from the trees…


Getting to grips with layering the colours …makes my eyes cross. Will help in long run as I now see this is a construction as much as anything. Lovin the challenge. Colour experimentation at the same time is using all my college taught brain work.

Heathered heath

Just got this back from the framer…made with the new owners hand dyed yarn.

Reflected Red

reflected red

A small experiment with brighter colours to see if the perspective and depth is affected. The beginnings of a more contemporary palette

The Heathered Hills

Having seen the hand dyed yarn a friend had made, the heathery colours just called to be a landscape of rolling hills.

Learning the art of penmanship ship by drawing

It is an apple…..I watch with sadness as the arts are less an less valued in schools. A government that cuts the arts makes cuts to its culture too. Keep creativity alive by switching off the devises and set those beautiful young minds to creating an abundance of visual delights for our future. 

First Frost

I am really enjoying the discovery of the this new seems to encompass all my creative history. A love of colour, line and perspective. First frost blog

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