Praise indeed

I was visited today by a glazer looking at the failing windows in the studio. Forgetting the portrait was there and concentrating on the windows I suddenly realised he was looking at the finished portrait ..he stopped and looked then said ‘genius’.

I’m gonna take that thank you.


Final stages

Putting the final touches to the double portrait today ready to varnish tomorrow. Preps for 2 more begin.Studio

Confidence drain

I’m beginning to realise that keeping a portrait under wraps till a grand unveiling in too much for the client, particularly if they haven’t seen your work before. It is a lot to ask for someone to trust in your skill and to be left in a space where they may not like it…then what! Another learning curve.

Bolstering my own confidence is needed now to complete the final stages and present it with no expectations. I need to look at this as an exercise and not a showcase of talent or meaning other than what I can get out of it for myself. The grand reveal is cancelled probably for the best.

Paint soaked flannel used during painting to remove excess paint from my brushes. ……….a useful tool.


Sunshine after the rain

Or should that be snow… after a leak in the studio roof we now need to have some work done to ensure it doesn’t happen again…starving artist wages means it might not happen yet so pray the rain stays on the plain.

The big melt


Roof leaking in the studio as the snow melts. I just heard it as I walked in.. dripping on the electrics?…thank God it didn’t touch the canvas i’m working on …phew


Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy 1970-1 by David Hockney born 1937

With a couple of people who have seen the double portrait I am working on both saying it looks like a Hockney, I am facing choices about the background.
Do I bring in more texture or leave it out completely. Unlike Hockney’s ‘Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy’ I have textured the fabrics and faces….oooo dilema. Gonna have to try both ways !!!

Not quite yet

Spent the day working on the portrait and still not satisfied…still the process seems to need a lot of time and several attempts. Soon soon. I have given myself 2 weeks to complete it in the hope a deadline will help.

Choosing a frame

PictureOh my… another difficult decision, what to frame the piece in when the client hasn’t seen it finished yet! I love this traditional grey idea. Others were very modern and reminded me a lot of paintings I have seen by Ben Nicholson and so of the 70’s. Not a bad thing but there is a gap between the canvas and the frame as if it is floating, in my eyes this grey frame looks more comfortable/finished and placed.
Trying to keep hold some confidence in my convictions here….it was one of two the client liked …phew.

New brushes… sweep clean

Sooo had surgery on my gums today so thought I deserved a treat. It wasn’t going to be anything to eat thats for sure, but this bounty will bring joy when I get to use them. Hope i’m not just getting them in the thinking it will improve my painting!!


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