Listening to…

I very often listen to, rather than watch documentaries on BBC iPlayer. This was part of the Mark Kermode film genre series. Just caught it out of the corner of my eye…Studio.jpg


Final piece sorted for the exhibition in August. Framing later today. A good example of perspective lines playing with the eye, but also the choosing of colours already existing in the yarns and cottons, the reds and violets lending a sense of depth and warmth.Seascaoe final.jpg

Land and Sea

Still can’t help playing around with wool and fabrics…in ‘ Land and Sea’ the textures give the impression of light falling across a ploughed filed to the the grassy edge and the sea.

Land ans Sea 1.jpg

Day trip

Initial drawing for a smaller canvas….a 75 year old, fuzzy, black and white photo of  mum with her dog on a day out. A challenge as the photo is small and not very well defined in the details. There is a huge challenge with the foreshortening of the right hand towards the viewer. Colour needs to be subtle and not loose the charm of an old photo…lots to do.preps for mum n dog pic.jpg

Little cherubs

Here is a section of a painting I started a while back and have just rediscovered.

My grandsons were playing on a hot summers day and they looked like little chubby cherubs. So I came home and used the photos I had taken and experimented with a Victorian-esque representation. The actual painting has 3 cherubs and I used several photos. I thought it helped explain the way I use photography as a catalogue of information to use in a composition. This one was for a bit of fun and I still have a lot of work to do on it.Cherubs

Chelsea Fushias

Lucky enough to have a chance to visit Chelsea flower show recently and saw these beauties.Fushias 1

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